
Benefit of recycling old cars!

Car recycling is the dismantling of cars in order to use some vital bits and pieces for spare parts. All cars have a life span and when it comes to the time you have to let your car go, be sure that you get the right car recycling business to take it off your hands.

There are so many benefits of car recycling. Firstly, recycling steel helps in conserving natural resources. How? You might ask. Well, the steel industry saves energy that can power about 19 million homes yearly. In the process of recycling metal, only about 26percent of the energy needed in making metal is used. It is estimated that about 80 million barrels of oil is saved annually as a result of this recycling process.


Apart from the fact that recycling your car can make you some money, it can also help other people even more directly than conserving energy. Recycling stimulates the economy and creates jobs for numerous people. 95percent of a car can be recycled. Recycling a car keeps 11 million tons of steel and 800,000 non-ferrous metals out of landfills and back in consumer use. There is so much to be gained from recycling cars and so much to be lost if we do not recycle. Recycling cars really help to conserve energy and it is exactly what the world needs today.

Believe it or not, almost everything in a car can be made into something else at the end of the car’s life span. When a car is being manufactured, the manufacturers put it through processes that ensure it being recyclable at the end of its life span. Even the materials used in manufacturing the car are carefully chosen to be ones that will make the car recyclable after its life time is expired.

Recycling a car is the way forward to conserve a great amount of energy, create jobs, be patriotic and generally, make the world a better place in your own little way.

Hazara car removal are expert in removing old cars for recycling & spare part. 

Call Hazara Car Removal - 03 9701 8740